Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011

Muzungu in Uganda

Last three winters I spent in creekboat. This year I decided for change and went to Uganda for one month freestyling. Uganda is well known for every kayaker, and as it was my second time here I just decided to spend every day on the wave. Water level was quite low that means Club wave working in morning and Nile special in the evening. After two weeks of nonstop kayaking we were so tired that we made a break and went to Day 1 section. Running Bujagali and Silverback was big fun but we were missing Totalgunga and Ugly sisters so much. Also Silverback will be closed from 27.2.2011 because they are finishing the dam so quickly. On the other hand this dam is very important for Uganda and will help to lot of people.
After 3 days on Day 1 we went back to Hairy Lemon Island. The island started to be crowded with many kayakers from US and Canada. It was not the case on the wave. They were not kayaking so much and we could enjoy the waves with just a few people in the eddy. We were paddling twice per day every day and had really good time here. One month looked like one week and now I’m back home, freezing in -5degrees and waiting for spring.

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