Hi Guys,
17 days in CostaRica big Water and big Wave in Ocean Pacific...... WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Fantastic equipments by Stohlquist
17 days in CostaRica big Water and big Wave in Ocean Pacific...... WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Fantastic equipments by Stohlquist
Dry Top Svicx, LifeJKT Descent, Shoes Caveman

Paddlers: Max Boninsegni, Carlo Sbrenna, Nicola Paglino e Federico Taurino
Rio Upper Uppeer and Upper Paquare, Rio Reventazon Peralta and Upper Pasqua, Rio Orosi, Rio Pelybaye, Rio Upper Toro, Rio UpperSarapiqui,PozaAzul, Rio Toro Amarillo, Rio Caciuta.

Paddlers: Max Boninsegni, Carlo Sbrenna, Nicola Paglino e Federico Taurino
Rio Upper Uppeer and Upper Paquare, Rio Reventazon Peralta and Upper Pasqua, Rio Orosi, Rio Pelybaye, Rio Upper Toro, Rio UpperSarapiqui,PozaAzul, Rio Toro Amarillo, Rio Caciuta.
Other info Blog GZteam http://gravitazerorider.blogspot.com/
or FACEBOOK PROFILE http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#/gzmax?ref=profile
Bye For Now
All the best
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